Just Be

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Long time no talk

Well here I am with bad short-timers syndrome as my last day at this job will be June 17th. So in light of my breaking free, I have installed IM to talk to friends that I have not talked to for a long time. It is funny how fast time goes by. When I don't have IM I don't seem to talk to anyone. We live in such an electronic age and to communicate w/o email or IM is almost a hassle. I can't imagine if we had to go back to hard wire phone and pen and paper. I think people would just never talk. Anyway, having IM back has made me realize how much I miss my friends, and how good it is to talk to them.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

A Glimpse Into My World

Well I have officially now joined the masses and have a blog. A good friend of mine turned me onto it having one of her own. It has been an inspiration. I am starting my own to keep in touch with all that know me. Maybe it will motivate me to try harder and do better at letting everyone know what is happening in my world. Hopefully more from me will come, possibly at regular intervals. Challenging........